Unwisely (don’t try this at home), I kept my eye on the bug as I sped down the I-94. It fascinated me, watching him adjust his little body and change his grip on when a gust pulled a leg or two up and he nearly blew off. He must have adjusted five or six times in the 25 minute 60mph highway commute, and yet he hung on.
At first, I wanted him to be blown off – being a bug and all. Then, as my speed increased and time went on, I began admiring his tenacity. I actually wanted him to hang on until it was ‘safe’ for him to fly off.
You can see the analogy coming from a mile away, but here we go. Life takes us quickly ahead, and sometimes, we don’t even know where we’re headed.
Some days, we feel the pressure of the world pushing down against us. Winds of change start blowing, and we don’t know where we’re going to end up. Then, just when we start losing our grip, we adjust our little legs and hold on.
What we tend to forget is that there is always someone ‘behind the windshield’ that we are not aware of, watching our progress, seeing how we react, and admiring our tenacity. People out there are pulling for us, and we may not even be aware of it.
The bug flew off when I stopped on the exit ramp, and headed straight for the median, which was dotted with bright yellow flowers (okay, weeds). His new place was not my yard, not even close to my yard, but it was nice. Pretty even.
When we feel that we are speeding out of control, it does not mean that the outcome will be negative. We simply need to adjust our little feet, hang on for dear life, and when we see a golden opportunity, we must let go of what we know and trust that our tenacity will be worth the ride.
Nice analogy! I especially like the last paragraph. :~)